American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

18 matching records for this search.

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Novak G A, Gibbs G V
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American Mineralogist 56 (1971) 791-825
The crystal chemistry of the silicate garnets
sample Al
Locality: Emerald creek in Latah Co, Idaho, USA
_database_code_amcsd 0000240
11.531 11.531 11.531 90 90 90 Ia-3d
atom      x     y      z occ B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3)
Si     .375     0    .25     .00040 .00026 .00026      0      0      0
Al        0     0      0     .00052 .00052 .00052 .00009 .00009 .00009
Fe     .125     0    .25 .86 .00074 .00102 .00102      0      0 .00005
Mg     .125     0    .25 .09 .00074 .00102 .00102      0      0 .00005
Ca     .125     0    .25 .04 .00074 .00102 .00102      0      0 .00005
O    .03427 .0486 .65332     .00071 .00062 .00066 .00009 .00005 .00008
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Armbruster T, Geiger C A, Lager G A
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American Mineralogist 77 (1992) 512-521
Single-crystal X-ray structure study of synthetic pyrope almandine garnets at
100 and 293 K
Py20-Alm80 at T = 100 K, Pyrope - Almandine join
_database_code_amcsd 0001463
11.502 11.502 11.502 90 90 90 Ia-3d
atom     x     y     z occ U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
MgX      0   .25  .125  .2 0.0034 0.0034 0.0011 0.0001      0      0
FeX      0   .25  .125  .8 0.0034 0.0034 0.0011 0.0001      0      0
AlY      0     0     0     0.0020 0.0020 0.0020 -.0012 -.0012 -.0012
SiZ   .375     0   .25     0.0025 0.0023 0.0023      0      0      0
O    .0335 .0499 .6530     0.0034 0.0035 0.0025 0.0002 -.0005 -.0005
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Armbruster T, Geiger C A, Lager G A
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American Mineralogist 77 (1992) 512-521
Single-crystal X-ray structure study of synthetic pyrope almandine garnets at
100 and 293 K
Py0-Alm100 at T = 100 K, Pyrope - Almandine join
_database_code_amcsd 0001464
11.512 11.512 11.512 90 90 90 Ia-3d
atom      x      y      z U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
FeX       0    .25   .125 .00335 .00335 .00129 .00026      0      0
AlY       0      0      0 .00151 .00151 .00151 .00006 .00006 .00006
SiZ    .375      0    .25  .0012 .00141 .00141      0      0      0
O    .03395 .04943 .65268  .0028  .0032  .0024  .0006 -.0007  .0000
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Armbruster T, Geiger C A, Lager G A
Download am/vol77/AM77_512.pdf
American Mineralogist 77 (1992) 512-521
Single-crystal X-ray structure study of synthetic pyrope almandine garnets at
100 and 293 K
Py20-Alm80 at T = 293 K, Pyrope - Almandine join
_database_code_amcsd 0001468
11.516 11.516 11.516 90 90 90 Ia-3d
atom     x     y     z occ U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
MgX      0   .25  .125  .2 0.0081 0.0081 0.0037 0.0005      0      0
FeX      0   .25  .125  .8 0.0081 0.0081 0.0037 0.0005      0      0
AlY      0     0     0     0.0034 0.0034 0.0034 -.0008 -.0008 -.0008
SiZ   .375     0   .25     0.0031 0.0041 0.0041      0      0      0
O    .0339 .0491 .6529     0.0048 0.0072 0.0049 0.0006 -.0014 -.0001
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Armbruster T, Geiger C A, Lager G A
Download am/vol77/AM77_512.pdf
American Mineralogist 77 (1992) 512-521
Single-crystal X-ray structure study of synthetic pyrope almandine garnets at
100 and 293 K
Py0-Alm100 at T = 293 K, Pyrope - Almandine join
_database_code_amcsd 0001469
11.525 11.525 11.525 90 90 90 Ia-3d
atom      x      y      z U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
FeX       0    .25   .125 .00747 .00747 .00261 .00088      0      0
AlY       0      0      0 .00267 .00267 .00267 0.0001  .0001  .0001
SiZ    .375      0    .25 0.0017 .00240 .00240      0      0      0
O    .03401 .04901 .65278 0.0042 0.0057 0.0033 0.0013 -.0013 -.0004
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Geiger C A, Armbruster T, Lager G A, Jiang K, Lottermoser W, Amthauer G
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 19 (1992) 121-126
A combined temperature dependent 57Fe Mossbauer and single crystal
X-ray diffraction study of synthetic almandine: evidence for the
Gol'danskii-Karyagin Effect
Sample: T = 100 K
_database_code_amcsd 0007689
11.512 11.512 11.512 90 90 90 Ia-3d
atom      x      y      z Biso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Fe        0    .25   .125 .215 .00335 .00335 .00129 .00026      0      0
Al        0      0      0 .119 .00151 .00151 .00151 .00006 .00006 .00006
Si     .375      0    .25 .107  .0012 .00141 .00141      0      0      0
O    .03395 .04943 .65268 .221  .0028  .0032  .0024  .0006 -.0007 -.0001
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Geiger C A, Armbruster T, Lager G A, Jiang K, Lottermoser W, Amthauer G
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 19 (1992) 121-126
A combined temperature dependent 57Fe Mossbauer and single crystal
X-ray diffraction study of synthetic almandine: evidence for the
Gol'danskii-Karyagin Effect
Sample: T = 293 K (A)
_database_code_amcsd 0007690
11.525 11.525 11.525 90 90 90 Ia-3d
atom      x      y      z Biso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Fe        0    .25   .125 .462 .00747 .00747 .00261 .00088      0      0
Al        0      0      0 .211 .00267 .00267 .00267 .00014 .00014 .00014
Si     .375      0    .25 .172  .0017 .00240 .00240      0      0      0
O    .03401 .04901 .65278 .344  .0042  .0057  .0033  .0013 -.0013 -.0004
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Geiger C A, Armbruster T, Lager G A, Jiang K, Lottermoser W, Amthauer G
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 19 (1992) 121-126
A combined temperature dependent 57Fe Mossbauer and single crystal
X-ray diffraction study of synthetic almandine: evidence for the
Gol'danskii-Karyagin Effect
Sample: T = 293 K (B)
_database_code_amcsd 0007691
11.525 11.525 11.525 90 90 90 Ia-3d
atom      x      y      z Biso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Fe        0    .25   .125 .434 .00714 .00714 .00222 .00085      0      0
Al        0      0      0 .177 .00224 .00224 .00224  .0000  .0000  .0000
Si     .375      0    .25 .153  .0014 .00219 .00219      0      0      0
O    .03400 .04905 .65283 .306  .0034  .0052  .0030  .0012 -.0014 -.0001
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Geiger C A, Armbruster T, Lager G A, Jiang K, Lottermoser W, Amthauer G
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 19 (1992) 121-126
A combined temperature dependent 57Fe Mossbauer and single crystal
X-ray diffraction study of synthetic almandine: evidence for the
Gol'danskii-Karyagin Effect
Sample: T = 420 K
_database_code_amcsd 0007692
11.538 11.538 11.538 90 90 90 Ia-3d
atom      x      y      z Biso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Fe        0    .25   .125 .681 .01089 .01089 .00409 .00130      0      0
Al        0      0      0 .281 .00356 .00356 .00356 .00008 .00008 .00008
Si     .375      0    .25 .254 .00237 .00349 .00349      0      0      0
O    .03413 .04887 .65279 .473  .0059  .0076  .0044  .0012 -.0016 -.0002
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Geiger C A, Armbruster T, Lager G A, Jiang K, Lottermoser W, Amthauer G
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 19 (1992) 121-126
A combined temperature dependent 57Fe Mossbauer and single crystal
X-ray diffraction study of synthetic almandine: evidence for the
Gol'danskii-Karyagin Effect
Sample: T = 500 K
_database_code_amcsd 0007693
11.546 11.546 11.546 90 90 90 Ia-3d
atom      x      y      z Biso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Fe        0    .25   .125 .837 .01331 .01331 .00518 .00148      0      0
Al        0      0      0 .357 .00452 .00452 .00452 .00007 .00007 .00007
Si     .375      0    .25 .314  .0033 .00430 .00430      0      0      0
O    .03406 .04870 .65280 .559  .0066  .0094  .0053  .0014 -.0018 -.0002
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Woodland A B, Ross C R
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 21 (1994) 117-132
A crystallographic and Mossbauer spectroscopy study of Fe3Al2Si3O12-Fe3Fe2Si3O12,
(Almandine-"Skiagite") and Ca3Fe2Si3O12-Fe3Fe2Si3O12 (Andradite-"Skiagite") garnet solid solutions
Sample: alm85
_database_code_amcsd 0007859
11.5546 11.5546 11.5546 90 90 90 Ia-3d
atom     x     y     z occ U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
FeX   .125     0   .25      .0035  .0084  .0084      0      0  .0005
AlY      0     0     0 .85  .0039  .0039  .0039  .0009  .0009  .0009
FeY      0     0     0 .15  .0039  .0039  .0039  .0009  .0009  .0009
SiZ   .375     0   .25      .0022  .0034  .0034      0      0      0
O    .0344 .0500 .6536      .0063  .0081  .0034  .0007 -.0005      0
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Woodland A B, Ross C R
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 21 (1994) 117-132
A crystallographic and Mossbauer spectroscopy study of Fe3Al2Si3O12-Fe3Fe2Si3O12,
(Almandine-"Skiagite") and Ca3Fe2Si3O12-Fe3Fe2Si3O12 (Andradite-"Skiagite") garnet solid solutions
Sample: and11
_database_code_amcsd 0007861
11.7663 11.7663 11.7663 90 90 90 Ia-3d
atom     x     y     z occ U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
FeX   .125     0   .25 .89  .0053  .0114  .0114      0      0  .0014
CaX   .125     0   .25 .11  .0053  .0114  .0114      0      0  .0014
FeY      0     0     0      .0050  .0050  .0050      0      0      0
SiZ   .375     0   .25      .0051  .0051  .0051      0      0      0
O    .0357 .0525 .6571      .0091  .0094  .0063  .0018 -.0020 -.0009
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Woodland A B, Ross C R
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 21 (1994) 117-132
A crystallographic and Mossbauer spectroscopy study of Fe3Al2Si3O12-Fe3Fe2Si3O12,
(Almandine-"Skiagite") and Ca3Fe2Si3O12-Fe3Fe2Si3O12 (Andradite-"Skiagite") garnet solid solutions
Sample: and21
_database_code_amcsd 0007862
11.8002 11.8002 11.8002 90 90 90 Ia-3d
atom     x     y     z occ U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
FeX   .125     0   .25 .79  .0054  .0120  .0120      0      0  .0011
CaX   .125     0   .25 .21  .0054  .0120  .0120      0      0  .0011
FeY      0     0     0      .0054  .0054  .0054  .0001  .0001  .0001
SiZ   .375     0   .25      .0062  .0053  .0053      0      0      0
O    .0362 .0520 .6571      .0098  .0095  .0060  .0011 -.0012 -.0008
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Woodland A B, Ross C R
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 21 (1994) 117-132
A crystallographic and Mossbauer spectroscopy study of Fe3Al2Si3O12-Fe3Fe2Si3O12,
(Almandine-"Skiagite") and Ca3Fe2Si3O12-Fe3Fe2Si3O12 (Andradite-"Skiagite") garnet solid solutions
Sample: and36,
_database_code_amcsd 0007863
11.8568 11.8568 11.8568 90 90 90 Ia-3d
atom     x     y     z occ U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
FeX   .125     0   .25 .36  .0052  .0118  .0118      0      0  .0021
CaX   .125     0   .25 .64  .0052  .0118  .0118      0      0  .0021
FeY      0     0     0      .0053  .0053  .0053 -.0001 -.0001 -.0001
SiZ   .375     0   .25      .0074  .0046  .0046      0      0      0
O    .0364 .0508 .6568      .0107  .0086  .0067  .0018 -.0013 -.0004
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Quartieri S, Chaboy J, Merli M, Oberti R, Ungaretti L
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 22 (1995) 159-169
Local structural environment of calcium in garnets:
A combined structure-refinement and XANES investigation
Note: sample MP14
Locality: metasedimentary rocks of the Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Italy
_database_code_amcsd 0007901
11.533 11.533 11.533 90 90 90 Ia-3d
atom      x     y     z  occ Biso B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3)
CaX    .125     0   .25 .080  .56  .0006  .0013  .0013      0      0  .0000
Fe2+X  .125     0   .25 .530  .56  .0006  .0013  .0013      0      0  .0000
Mn2+X  .125     0   .25 .013  .56  .0006  .0013  .0013      0      0  .0000
MgX    .125     0   .25 .373  .56  .0006  .0013  .0013      0      0  .0000
AlY       0     0     0 .995  .39  .0007  .0007  .0007  .0000  .0000  .0000
CrY       0     0     0 .005  .39  .0007  .0007  .0007  .0000  .0000  .0000
TiY       0     0     0 .005  .39  .0007  .0007  .0007  .0000  .0000  .0000
SiZ    .375     0   .25       .29  .0006  .0005  .0005      0      0      0
O     .0339 .0489 .6529       .46  .0010  .0010  .0006  .0001 -.0002 -.0002
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Quartieri S, Chaboy J, Merli M, Oberti R, Ungaretti L
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 22 (1995) 159-169
Local structural environment of calcium in garnets:
A combined structure-refinement and XANES investigation
Note: sample MP18
Locality: metasedimentary rocks of the Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Italy
_database_code_amcsd 0007902
11.565 11.565 11.565 90 90 90 Ia-3d
atom      x     y     z  occ Biso B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3)
CaX    .125     0   .25 .170  .70  .0008  .0016  .0016      0      0  .0000
Fe2+X  .125     0   .25 .477  .70  .0008  .0016  .0016      0      0  .0000
Mn2+X  .125     0   .25 .013  .70  .0008  .0016  .0016      0      0  .0000
MgX    .125     0   .25 .340  .70  .0008  .0016  .0016      0      0  .0000
AlY       0     0     0       .44  .0008  .0008  .0008  .0000  .0000  .0000
SiZ    .375     0   .25       .38  .0008  .0006  .0006      0      0      0
O     .0343 .0484 .6529       .57  .0013  .0011  .0008  .0002 -.0002 -.0001
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Quartieri S, Chaboy J, Merli M, Oberti R, Ungaretti L
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 22 (1995) 159-169
Local structural environment of calcium in garnets:
A combined structure-refinement and XANES investigation
Note: sample MP12
Locality: metasedimentary rocks of the Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Italy
_database_code_amcsd 0007903
11.571 11.571 11.571 90 90 90 Ia-3d
atom      x     y     z  occ Biso B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3)
CaX    .125     0   .25 .170  .63  .0007  .0014  .0014      0      0  .0000
Fe2+X  .125     0   .25 .520  .63  .0007  .0014  .0014      0      0  .0000
Mn2+X  .125     0   .25 .013  .63  .0007  .0014  .0014      0      0  .0000
MgX    .125     0   .25 .307  .63  .0007  .0014  .0014      0      0  .0000
AlY       0     0     0 .995  .34  .0006  .0006  .0006  .0000  .0000  .0000
TiY       0     0     0 .005  .34  .0006  .0006  .0006  .0000  .0000  .0000
SiZ    .375     0   .25       .37  .0008  .0006  .0006      0      0      0
O     .0344 .0486 .6528       .58  .0013  .0011  .0008  .0002 -.0002  .0001
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Heritsch H
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 85 (1933) 392-403
Roentgenographische Untersuchungen an einem Granat aus der
Lieserschlucht bei Spittal a. d. Drau (Kaernten)
_cod_database_code 1010999
_database_code_amcsd 0017914
11.668 11.668 11.668 90 90 90 Ia3d
atom     x    y    z occ
Ca1    .25 .125    0  .5
Fe1    .25 .125    0  .5
Fe2      0    0    0 .13
Al1      0    0    0 .87
Al2    .25 .375    0 .02
Si1    .25 .375    0 .98
O1   -.041 .049 .153
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